A BIG Thank You to all you wonderful people who want to make a difference in our community and have contributed to the November 19th Endow Challenge for the Morris Area Foundation.
This year your donations of $13,975.00 were stretched to $15,975.00 by the Winnipeg Foundation. This now makes our total community endowment fund at just over the $100,000.00 mark. It’s a wonderful thing for the RM of Morris and the Town of Morris.
Your contribution will always stay with our Foundation. The more donations come in, the greater amount we have to grant to our community.
With your help, we are already making a difference. This year, thanks to a private donor, we have been able to grant $6,000.00 to valuable needs in our community.
December is the end of the tax year, a great time to consider a gift to the Morris Area Foundation and invest in the future of the RM of Morris and The Town of Morris.