Annual General Meeting – 2019

Annual General Meeting – 2019

Our community foundation has again had an active and rewarding year. With the generous support of many donors, our community endowment fund has grown from $181K at the beginning of 2018 to over $203K at year end. The greater portion of the increase came from the Endow Manitoba campaign during November. Donations were matched by the Winnipeg Foundation on a $1 for $5 basis up to a maximum of $2,000. Also the Province of Manitoba provided matching on the same basis. We were very pleased with the donor response, $17,703.61 in donations were “stretched” by $4,000 maximum by these two supporters. Again this year, during the two weeks leading up to the 24 hour Challenge, Morris BigWay Foods partnered with us in a “Round it up” event. Their staff encouraged customers to round up their purchases to the even dollar for the benefit of the Foundation. As well, Bigway matched the proceeds resulting a boost of  $1,664 for our cause.

During October we sought applications for our fourth year of granting. Our granting committee approved grants for a total of $5,378 to qualified donees. This along with the $2,500 YIP grants brings the total grants approved since our inception to just under $30,000. We extend our thanks to the volunteers who helped out on the granting committee this year.

The Youth In Philanthropy program sponsored by the Thomas Sill Foundation is now in their second year of operation. Both  Morris and Rosenort High Schools are participating. This is a six year program with the Thomas Sill Foundation providing granting assistance for the first three years.

Our long term vision is to create a permanent everlasting community fund that will provide a source of funds for assisting to improve the quality of life for the communities in the RM and Town of Morris. We continue to invite community members who are interested in helping the foundation to grow, to take on a board role. Even if you are reluctant to serve on the board you may wish to volunteer to help on a committee.  Talk to any of our board if you would like to participate.