The Gift that truly keeps on giving to your community!
Again this year, the MAF Board is overwhelmed by the support the foundation has received. In 2023, donors contributed over $80,000 to the General Endowment Fund, our Administration Fund, Health and Wellness Fund, The Mike Hesford Music Fund and the Youth in Philanthropy Fund.
Our total endowment funds are now reaching approximately $600,000, after 10 years of operation. Thank you to all that have given your support this year and previous. Gifts become a legacy to our area. Initial gift remains with the foundation in perpetuity, while the interest earned on your investment is used to partner in funding worthwhile projects in our area. Your gift will last forever–for good! A great investment in your area. As we look into the future, The MAF is striving to become a trusted and predictable source of funding. We remain committed to our mission to identify and understand our area needs, create and maintain partnerships, engage and steward the caring investors who fund our endowments and grants. In addition, we intend to keep exploring new avenues for funding to ensure sustainable support for our area projects. Together, we can make a difference.
Thank you and all the best in 2024.
Click here to see a copy of our 2023 Annual Report
Click here to see a copy of our 2023 Financial Statement
On Tuesday, December 5th @ 7pm at Morris Multiplex, the MAF will host our Annual Granting Awards Celebration. The recipients of the 2023 MAF Granting program will be announced as well as other important developments. All welcome!
Join us for our 2023 grant presentation! Learn about some past successful MAF projects that have had great impact on our communities. Plus celebrate with the grant recipients of 2023 to be announced that night.
Enjoy a glass of wine, punch or a cup of coffee along with cheese, crackers and Christmas goodies as you visit with the Board members, donors and grant recipients. Plus hear more about the wonderful work that has been happening in the community of the RM and Town of Morris.
This is an evening for the MAF board members to thank all the donors for their gifts to the Morris Area Foundation.
Community foundations are charitable organizations built over time through gifts donated by various community members and organizations. These gifts are then pooled and permanently invested through trusted institutions. Each year, a portion of the interest earned on these investments is granted back to support your local charities. And, best of all, since the permanent investments are never spent, your gifts will continue to support your community forever.
The Endow Manitoba Giving Challenge is your opportunity to help your community foundation grow exponentially. Gifts made to your community foundations’ UNRESTRICTED FUNDS between November 13–19 will be “stretched” through the combined efforts of the Manitoba government and The Winnipeg Foundation – increasing the amount your foundation receives.
Help Morris Area Foundation (MAF) reach their Giving Challenge goal.
Gifts can be made by:
• Credit card
✓ online through
✓ by phoning The Winnipeg Foundation office, toll-free at 1-877-974-3631, between Nov. 13-19, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
• Cheque/Cash
✓ All cheques must be payable to The Morris Area Foundation, Inc.
✓ Cash & Cheque can be handed to any MAF Board of Directors or Email: [email protected] or call 204-712-0538 for more details
The Gift that truly keeps on giving to your community!
The MAF Board is overwhelmed by the support the Foundation has received over the past years. In total approximately $75,000 was contributed to the General Endowment Fund, our new Administration Fund and the Health and Wellness Fund. Thank you to all that have given your support. Your gifts become a legacy to our area. Your initial gift remains with the foundation in perpetuity while the interest earned on your investment is used to partner in funding worthwhile projects in our area. Your gift will last forever – for good! A great investment in your community.
The MAF is making a difference for our area. Since we started offering grants in 2015, the Morris Area Foundation through its partnerships with the Thomas Sill Foundation, The Winnipeg Foundation, Endow Manitoba, the Province of Manitoba, Community Foundations of Canada, area businesses and individuals has returned approximately $150,000 to our area. We are striving to become a trusted, reliable, and predictable source of funding to assist in meeting our community’s needs.
The Morris Area Foundation board has been involved in outside learning opportunities. Several board members were pleased to attend the Endow Manitoba Conference in Winnipeg in October. Meeting and hearing from other community foundations from around the province was inspiring and educational. Speakers reinforced the need to constantly engage with your community, including the current and potential donors and grant recipients to grow your foundation’s impact. We are in it for the long term!
As you know we added an event in December last year with great success. We are trying to increase the interaction with our area. If you have suggestions to increase awareness, your MAF Board will be pleased to hear them.
Click here to see a copy of our 2022 Annual Report
Click here to see a copy of our 2022 Financial Statement
Morris Community Gardens
The Morris Community Gardens group received $1,000 to assist in the replacement of 6 aging wooden raised garden boxes with long lasting maintenance free galvanized boxes. Six boxes were replaced previously also with the assistance of the MAF. Since 2016 the 12 boxes have been used primarily by Red River Valley Food Bank clients for their own food production and in some cases donated back to the Food Bank. The Garden is located on property owned by the Morris United Church on PTH 23 in Morris.
Morris Manor
The Morris Manor was granted $1,000 to assist in the update of the existing florescent lighting to new LED brighter and more energy efficient lighting plus replacement of the existing smoke alarms. The Morris Manor Ltd. is a 19 apartment -55 pus affordable rental housing in Morris. Over the last few years this residence has been radically updated by a group of very motivated volunteers and board members.
Morris & District Centennial Museum
A grant of $1,000 was awarded to the Morris & District Centennial Museum to assist with badly needed roof repairs. The Museum established in 1986 consists of 2 separate buildings with a covered walkway between them. Recently the walkway roof began leaking and needs replacement. Run by a group of dedicated volunteers, the Museum houses countless priceless articles of historical significance from the area.
Lowe Farm Community Centre District
The Lowe Farm Community Centre District whose purpose is to provide recreational and cultural services to the Lowe Farm area was provided a grant of $2,000 to help in the construction of a Zamboni Shed. Currently the Zamboni is housed off site at a private facility. The new heated shed adjacent to the skating rink will provide ease of access and use by the committee providing better ice and more usage of the skating rink.
Morris Early Learning Centres
With their mission to help children reach their full developmental potential and to be inclusive, the Morris Early Leaning Centre received a contribution from the MAF of $500 to purchase floor hockey equipment for use in their facilities. As some children already play hockey outside the Centres, this equipment will allow those children to share their interest with children not currently involved in the sport. The MELC is a childcare centre that provides educational programming to children ages 0 to 12 years of age to children from Morris and areas outside.
Red River Wellness Committee
Established in 2021 to enhance and strengthen outdoor recreation facilities within the Town of Morris and surrounding communities, the Red River Wellness Committee received a contribution of $3,500 to assist in the rehabilitation of the 20-year-old multisport courts located on the Morris School grounds. The plan is to increase their use and make them accessible to all residents regardless of age or ability for outdoor sports like pickle ball, basketball, or tennis.
Red River Valley Food Bank
The Red River Valley Food Bank received a grant of $500 to add a portable HEPA air purifier to their food storage work area. The system would improve the air quality and comfort for the many volunteers in the working space. The Red River Valley Food Bank has operated in Morris since 1994, serving the community and a large surrounding area.
Willow Park Committee
Willow Park Committee received a contribution of $5,000 to assist in their aim to revitalize the existing Willow Park playground. Their objective is to create a unique and significant attraction destination park to host new events for community members and others from the surrounding area.
Youth in Philanthropy Program The Youth in Philanthropy (YIP) program now in its 6th year at the Rosenort and Morris Schools received $2,500 between them for their granting program. The students have the responsibility to publicize their program, receive grant applications, analyze the requests, meet the applicants, and learn about the charitable sector in their communities.
The Morris Area Foundation takes part in the Community Services Recovery Fund – a $400 million investment in charities and non-profits
Now more than ever, charities and non-profits are playing a key role in addressing persistent and complex social problems faced by all Canadians. The Community Services Recovery Fund is a $400 million investment from the Government of Canada to support charities and non-profits as they focus on how to adapt their organizations for pandemic recovery.
Funding from the Community Services Recovery Fund will enable charities, non-profits and Indigenous Governing Bodies to invest in their own organizational capacity to:
● adapt the way they deliver services to support the needs of their staff and volunteers;
● buy equipment such as computers and software;
● create new ways of working, such as developing new fundraising approaches;
● provide support for staff and volunteers, such as staff training, supports for mental health and wellbeing; and
● develop plans to receive funding from diverse sources.
The Morris Area Foundation is proud to be working with community foundations across Canada as part of the Community Services Recovery Fund. This fund is a collaboration between Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada, and United Way Centraide Canada to provide funding to Community Service Organizations including non-profit organizations, Indigenous Governing Bodies and Registered Charities located in Canada. The Community Services Recovery Fund responds to what charities and non-profits need right now and supports organizations as they adapt to the long-term impacts of the pandemic.
Community Service Organizations can apply from January 6, 2023, until February 21, 2023. Visit to find out more about how to apply, explore resources for applicants, and sign up for upcoming webinars.
On Tuesday December 13 – 7pm at Morris Multiplex, the MAF will host the First Annual Granting Awards Celebration when the recipients of the 2022 MAF Granting program will be announced as well as other important developments. All welcome!
Join us for our 2022 grant presentation! Learn about some past successful MAF projects that have had great impact on our communities. Plus celebrate with the grant recipients of 2022 to be announced that night.
Enjoy a glass of wine, punch or a cup of coffee along with cheese, crackers and Christmas goodies as you visit with the Board members, donors and grant recipients. Plus hear more about the wonderful work that has been happening in the community of the RM and Town of Morris.
This is an evening for the MAF board members to thank all the donors for their gifts to the Morris Area Foundation.
The Morris Area Foundation is pleased to announce that during the Endow Giving Challenge Week of Nov 14 to Nov 20 approximately $38,000 was raised to add to it’s Endowed Funds. MAF wishes to thank all the donors and the organizations which “stretched those funds” – the Province of Manitoba, Winnipeg Foundation and local businesses, Rempel Insurance Brokers, Access Credit Union and the “Round it Up” Campaign at Morris Bigway Foods.
Together we can improve our communities. We can make a difference!
Despite another year of Covid disruption, the Morris Area Foundation (MAF) has again made significant progress.
The Endow Manitoba Giving Challenge held in November has broken MAF’s previous records, with both the number of donors and the amount of monetary gifts. Raising over $41,000, MAF’s general community endowment fund has grown to just over half million dollars thanks to the generous support received.
The Foundation’s new accounting system is now in place thanks to the support of Endow Manitoba. We much appreciate the new laptop and software as well as set up and training provided by the Endow Manitoba team.
Recognizing the need to build a fund, wherein the interest earned will help to cover the expenses of operating a growing community foundation, has prompted the Board to start a new Admin Support Endowment Fund. Income from this fund will be used to assist with MAF administration costs.
We greatly appreciate the support we have and continue to receive from Endow Manitoba, both financially as well as advice and assistance with board and accounting responsibilities.
This coming year we plan on expanding the board with more diversification in age and geography. Board training is planned in the fall of 2022 for new as well as current members.
The work of a community foundation is ever evolving. However, the work of a community foundation is also here forever. Growth does not happen all at once but is driven by small steps as the MAF board strives to become a trusted, reliable, and predictable source of funding to assist in meeting community needs.
If you do not have a lot to give financially, volunteering can be just as valuable as a monetary gift. Volunteers are needed to create awareness of the Foundation, serve as board or committee members, and carry on MAF’s day-to-day operations.
Click here to see a copy of our 2021 Annual Report
Click here to see a copy of our 2021 Financial Statement
To be held Tuesday, June 2, 2022 at 7:00PM
For more information please contact the MAF office Ph 204-712-0538 or email [email protected]