$31,170 in 24 hours.
Our community foundation has again had an active and rewarding year. With the generous support of many donors, our community endowment fund has grown from $181K at the beginning of 2018 to over $203K at year end. The greater portion of the increase came from the Endow Manitoba campaign during November. Donations were matched by the Winnipeg Foundation on a $1 for $5 basis up to a maximum of $2,000. Also the Province of Manitoba provided matching on the same basis. We were very pleased with the donor response, $17,703.61 in donations were “stretched” by $4,000 maximum by these two supporters. Again this year, during the two weeks leading up to the 24 hour Challenge, Morris BigWay Foods partnered with us in a “Round it up” event. Their staff encouraged customers to round up their purchases to the even dollar for the benefit of the Foundation. As well, Bigway matched the proceeds resulting a boost of $1,664 for our cause.
During October we sought applications for our fourth year of granting. Our granting committee approved grants for a total of $5,378 to qualified donees. This along with the $2,500 YIP grants brings the total grants approved since our inception to just under $30,000. We extend our thanks to the volunteers who helped out on the granting committee this year.
The Youth In Philanthropy program sponsored by the Thomas Sill Foundation is now in their second year of operation. Both Morris and Rosenort High Schools are participating. This is a six year program with the Thomas Sill Foundation providing granting assistance for the first three years.
Our long term vision is to create a permanent everlasting community fund that will provide a source of funds for assisting to improve the quality of life for the communities in the RM and Town of Morris. We continue to invite community members who are interested in helping the foundation to grow, to take on a board role. Even if you are reluctant to serve on the board you may wish to volunteer to help on a committee. Talk to any of our board if you would like to participate.
Larry Klein (on the left) sales representative from MWM Environmental presents president Del Stevenson and Curtis Evenson of the Morris Area Foundation Inc. a cheque for $312.85 which represents a contribution of 5 cents for each of the 62570 recycling “container tips” in the Town of Morris in 2018.
This is the 3rd year MWM Environmental has given back to Morris through their recycling program. MWM Environmental operates a similar “Giving back” in the other communities they serve in this area- Morden and Miami. The recycled products are further sorted at Blue Sky Opportunities in Altona before they are moved to their final reuse. Larry Klein mentioned that “MWM Environmental operates many such innovative recycling programs in other areas of the province”. The Morris Area Foundation Inc. partners with donors such as MWM Environmental to build permanent endowment funding from which projects of the entire Rural Municipality of Morris are supported.
Larry, on behalf of the Morris & District Centennial Museum, with the assistance of a small grant to the Museum from the Morris Area Foundation and Canada 150, has completed a project on Alexander Morris. The town of Morris is named after Alexander Morris who played a significant role in the development of Morris and the entire country. Alexander Morris’s work in negotiating Treaties 3, 4, 5 and 6 as well as redoing Treaties 1 and 2 with Indigenous people of the area has greatly influenced our development as a province and a country. Larry has spoken at local gatherings on the role Alexander Morris has played in our history.
The Morris Area Foundation Inc., now in its 5th year is pleased to announce its annual grant award winners for 2018. A total of $5,300 was given to 4 projects. Above, Del Stevenson, MAF President and Board Secretary Shelley Stupnisky present Darren Plett, Chairperson and Derek Loewen Board Member of the Rosenort Community Centre an award to assist in the development of their “Westfield Park Walking Trail”. Other awards were given to: The Valley Agricultural Society, home of the Manitoba Stampede to assist in the replacement of doors on the heavy and light horse barns, Valley Regional Library to assist in the development of an accessible public washroom at the library and the Manitoba Women’s Institute for their “Manitoba Rural Women’s Day – in Morris – Exploring Rural Health Care”.
Since its beginning in 2013, the Morris Area Foundation has provided grants with the help of The Thomas Sill Foundation, Canada 150 and generous support of past and current residents of almost $30,000 to area organizations. Morris Area Foundation Inc. is building a legacy for the communities we serve. The Foundation partners with donors to build permanent endowment funding to support projects in the area into the future. The Morris Area Foundation Inc. covers the entire Rural Municipality of Morris including the communities of Rosenort, Lowe Farm, Aubigny, Sperling and the Town of Morris.
The Winnipeg Foundation & the Province of Manitoba will stretch your donation (up to a maximum of $4,000) at a ratio of $2.00 for every $5.00 of donations to The Morris Area Foundation. #1) Go to the Endow Manitoba Website (www.endowmanitoba.ca) on SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17, 2018. #2) Go to The Morris Area Foundation location. #3) Make a donation with your credit card. #4) Print off your tax receipt. Thank You. For more information: Wish to use a cheque instead? contact: Email: [email protected] Website: www.themafinc.com or call 204-712-0538.
The Morris Area Foundation is once again participating in the Endow Manitoba 24-Hour Giving Challenge, an annual, province-wide campaign that encourages Manitobans to contribute to their local community foundation during the month of November.
Help your community flourish forever! Give to the Morris Area Foundation on Saturday, November 17th and your $5 gift becomes $7.
Deadline for annual grant submissions is October 19, 2018.
Click here for additional details.
The MAF provided the Morris School with a $250 grant and with this they were able to purchase a new beach volleyball net for the Morris community beach court. Morris School students used this court to practice, and for the first time entered 5 teams into the Manitoba High School Beach Volleyball Provincial Championships.
They had great weather at the Provincial Championships. Two of the Morris teams advanced to the A-side playoff bracket, with the top finishers (Samuel Jackman, and Daniel Isaak) coming in 7th overall.
We are looking forward to the Junior High Beach Volleyball Tournament being held on June 4th, where 3 more teams from Morris will compete. The program’s inaugural season has been a great success, with new skills learned, and plenty of fun had.
The MAF identified a retired/senior community couple who have resided in the area for the majority of their lives. We were seeking their perspective and sage advice about what they think contributes to our community’s greatness, and their hopes for the community in the future.
Our goal with the project is marketing – to help improve our outcomes and also to highlight our work provincially with publication through the Winnipeg Foundation website. We believe these activities will help to grow awareness within this community and the larger Foundation community as well.
We were both involved in public school education. Larry was Superintendent of Schools for the Morris MacDonald School Division and Audrey was a school librarian. We have lived in the area for 32 years. We believe that the most unique aspect of our community is the diversity in the backgrounds of the residents. It is not unusual to hear people speaking French, English, and Low German at the same venue. This diversity can cause some misunderstandings.
This community is a great place to live because most services are available to us and those which are not are within a short commuting distance. We have been able to form friendships and participate in a variety of activities. There are numerous opportunities to volunteer and provide additional services for people. In order to keep our community growing a larger economic base is needed.
We would like to see the volunteer base in the community expand so that organizations such as The Morris Area Foundation, Morris & Area Centennial Museum, Valley Regional Library, children’s programs, and local sports activities can continue and improve the quality of life in the community.
Larry, on behalf of the Morris & District Centennial Museum, with the assistance of a small grant to the Museum from the Morris Area Foundation and Canada 150, has completed a project on Alexander Morris. The town of Morris is named after Alexander Morris who played a significant role in the development of Morris and the entire country. Alexander Morris’s work in negotiating Treaties 3, 4, 5 and 6 as well as redoing Treaties 1 and 2 with Indigenous people of the area has greatly influenced our development as a province and a country. Larry has spoken at local gatherings on the role Alexander Morris has played in our history.
Byron has lived in the Morris area for his entire life. He grew up on his family’s farm 3 1/2 miles south of Morris and attended Morris School. He graduated in 1983. Byron continues to farm in the Morris area. He is actively involved in our local church and is a board member of Love Morris. Being an active member of our community is very important. Byron is frequently working in the background supporting many local events such as the winter carnival, Community Love Morris day and Christmas cheer. He loves helping people.
Laurie moved to Morris at the end of grade 5. “ I loved growing up in a small town.” I had opportunities to participate in school sports and be a member of the student council throughout high school. I married my high school sweetheart, Byron, in 1987 and we settled in the Morris area. After completing my education degree I taught in various places until an opportunity became available locally. I have been a teacher at the Morris School for the past 15 years. I love being involved in community. As a young person I was actively involved in our local church and a regular volunteer at the local swimming pool. I continued to be employed at the swimming pool and later became a long standing pool board member. Some of my fondest memories are of teaching the local children how to swim. Some of these “kids” are now my colleagues.
Over the years I have spent time volunteering to coach many of our school teams. I find working with young people to be very rewarding. Recently I have worked with our students and staff in the formation of our first Youth in Philanthropy group which is affiliated with the Morris Area Foundation and the Thomas Sill Foundation. Morris and Rosenort Schools have joined to form one Youth In Philanthropy. This leadership development opportunity will give students a deeper understanding of “community”, volunteerism and public service and make our community even better.
Byron and I have appreciated having our home in the Morris area and raising our three daughters. They have had many opportunities to be part of school, church and community. They have been part of almost every children’s program from can skate to hockey and gymnastics to swimming. Currently two of our daughters even work at the local swimming pool. Morris is a wonderful place to live and we feel fortunate to be part of such a vibrant community.
Morris Bigway Foods has partnered with the Morris Area Foundation to “Round it UP” heading into the Endow Manitoba Challenge Saturday November 18th. Staff of Morris Bigway have been encouraging customers to “Round Up” their purchases to the even dollar amount – even more if the customer wishes.
Morris Bigway’s owner Pat Schmitke says “his staff is more than willing to help support the worth- while activities of the Morris Area Foundation”.
Funds collected at the till are accumulated and forwarded to the Morris Area Foundation in time to be added to the total on this Saturday November 18th. “It really adds up this year” says MAF president Del Stevenson.
“The Winnipeg Foundation & the Province of Manitoba will stretch your donation (up to a maximum of $4,000) at a ratio of $2.00 for every $5.00 of donations to The Morris Area Foundation”.
If you can’t make it into Morris Bigway, simply:
Go to the Endow Manitoba Website (www.endowmanitoba.ca) on November 18, 2017, go to The Morris Area Foundation location, make a donation on line with your credit card and print off your tax receipt.
The Morris Area Foundation covers the entire Rural Municipality of Morris including the communities of Rosenort, Lowe Farm, Aubigny, Sperling and the Town of Morris.