Author Archives: maf_user

MAF Grants Get a Boost for 2016

The Morris Area Foundation is pleased to announce the winners of it’s 2016 grant program. Thanks to a donor who wishes not to be identified, the MAF has been able to double its contribution to five area projects, for a total of $6,000:

The Rosenort School Parent Advisory Council – a digital sign for the Rosenort School, Morris General Hospital – upgrade to Pallitive Care room, Valley Regional Library –  entrance accessibility to the library, Morris & District Centennial Museum Inc. – a history project for Canada 150 on Alexander Morris, Busy Nest Day Care Inc. – upgrades to it’s Kids on the Corner facility.


The Morris Area Foundation is also supporting 2 project applications under the Community Foundations of Canada –  CFC 150 Program. The Community Foundations of Canada to which the MAF belongs is matching local community foundation projects that celebrate Canada’s 150 to a maximum of $5,000 per member foundation.


The donor, a former resident of the MAF area, indicated their support for the MAF saying “Sometimes you have a good year. You start to think about where you grew up and the connection you still have there. I wanted to help make a difference now for the area. The MAF is relatively new and I wanted to help spread the word that they are here now and will be into the future.”


The Morris Area Foundation Inc .  partners with donors to build permanent endowment funding from which projects of the entire Rural Municipality of Morris , including the communities of Rosenort, Lowe Farm, Aubigny, Sperling and the Town of Morris are supported.


Please don’t forget the Endow Manitoba day Saturday November 19, where your donation to the MAF will be stretched!  You too can make a difference in your community for the future.

First Grant Awarded to Community Projects

Morris Area Foundation Awards First Grants to Community Projects

The Morris Area Foundation Inc. is pleased to announce its first awards to organizations operating in their area. President Del Stevenson says, “The Foundation is excited to be able to give back to worthwhile community projects made possible by generous donations.” The Morris Area Foundation has been in operation for approximately one year. The projects approved amount to a total of $1,600. The Canadian Cancer Society Manitoba Branch received support to conduct an awareness event in Morris to “Promote the health risks of radon gas.” Tami Thiessen, Southern Regional Representative states that “Radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer after tobacco. Our goal is to make Morris and area residents aware of the importance of testing their homes for radon gas.”  The event is scheduled for early December 2015. Watch for notices.

The Busy Nest Day Care Inc. of Morris received assistance to aid in the renovation of its Kids on the Corner location on Montreal Street. Chairperson Alicia Hoffman says that “They currently serve 61 families with 84 children. The majority of the families are from the Town and RM of Morris.” The renovations will progress as funds become available. The Busy Nest Day Care has been in operation in Morris since 1976.

The Morris Area Foundation Inc .  partners with donors to build permanent endowment funding from which projects of the entire Rural Municipality of Morris , including the communities of Rosenort, Lowe Farm, Aubigny, Sperling and the Town of Morris are supported. For more details call: 204-746-8938 or 204-746-8186.