Morris Bigway Foods has partnered with the Morris Area Foundation to “Round it UP” heading into the Endow Manitoba Challenge Saturday November 18th. Staff of Morris Bigway have been encouraging customers to “Round Up” their purchases to the even dollar amount – even more if the customer wishes.
Morris Bigway’s owner Pat Schmitke says “his staff is more than willing to help support the worth- while activities of the Morris Area Foundation”.
Funds collected at the till are accumulated and forwarded to the Morris Area Foundation in time to be added to the total on this Saturday November 18th. “It really adds up this year” says MAF president Del Stevenson.
“The Winnipeg Foundation & the Province of Manitoba will stretch your donation (up to a maximum of $4,000) at a ratio of $2.00 for every $5.00 of donations to The Morris Area Foundation”.
If you can’t make it into Morris Bigway, simply:
Go to the Endow Manitoba Website ( on November 18, 2017, go to The Morris Area Foundation location, make a donation on line with your credit card and print off your tax receipt.
The Morris Area Foundation covers the entire Rural Municipality of Morris including the communities of Rosenort, Lowe Farm, Aubigny, Sperling and the Town of Morris.