Help your community flourish forever!
The Giving Challenge is your opportunity to help your community foundation grow exponentially. Gifts made to your community foundations’ UNRESTRICTED FUNDS between November 9 – 15 will be “stretched” through the combined efforts of the Manitoba government and The Winnipeg Foundation. For every $5 donated, they will “stretch” that donation by $1 each, up to a combined total of $4,000 per foundation. So your $5 gift instantly becomes $7 for your community! We encourage credit card donations through the Endow Manitoba website at NEW THIS YEAR: Cheques are payable to the “Morris Area Foundation”, and are to mailed to Box 282, Morris, MB R0G 1K0 during the week of November 9 – 15. Once all donations are tallied, they will be transferred to the Morris Area Foundation General Community Fund. Tax receipts will be issued for any amount $20 and over.