The Oh Happy Day Splash Park officially opened to the public on Friday August 18, 2017. The grand opening event was held at 1:00 pm on Friday, August 25, 2017 and the community was invited to come for cookies and freezies to try out the new splash park. This event was well attended including business sponsors, town officials, employees and of course lots of families with children. We are very thankful to all businesses, organizations and community members that have contributed to this project.
For our fundraising we received a Government of Canada Community Paces Grant and had an amazing response from the businesses throughout Morris and surrounding area. We also received a $5,000 grant from the “Canada 150” Community Foundations of Canada /Morris Area Foundation. These funds were used for our opening event, the supplies for the landscaping, advertising as well as our new sign.
A very exciting part of this project is that we have seen many new faces attending the splash park since it opened on August 18, 2017. With new people and families coming out to use the splash park it is great to see the community forming and our outdoor recreation growing.